Compost - A How To by Matthew Mullins

We all have heard it. We all have wanted to do it. 

Today we make it easy...

You need more that just a green thumb, to grow a garden full of goodness. Today I want to talk about composting.

First! What is it?

Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment. It is key in organic farming, and growing your at home veggies. There are several types of composting:

  • Aerobic
  • Anaerobic

  • Vermicompost

These three are at the top of the list. But today we will focus on:

Aerobic Composting

For Aerobic composting you need three things. Green (Living Material), Brown (Dead Material), and Blue (Water). It is that simple. Do not be fooled, you do not need a fancy bin, tumbler, or can. Just start collecting these items, and placing them, in a nice sunny spot. A suggestion I have, is keeping a 3 to 1 ratio. 3 parts Brown to 1 part Green. Some helpful tips:

Brown: Dead leaves, newsprint, dried grass

Green: Food scraps, grass clippings

Make sure you are keeping your pile moist, and about 1 time a week, make sure you turn your pile. This can be done with a shovel, or a good bow rake. 

That is it. You are a "composter"!

This garden gold, will provide amazing nutrients, and bio-activity to your plants. Creating well fed, happy, organic veggies. 

Happy Composting, 

-Matthew | Proprietor 
Artisan Farm Company 

Make sure you follow us on you favorite social media network. And reach out to us sometime. At Artisan Farm Company, we are always here to help.

Compost needs to stay hot. So place your pile, or bin, in a sunny spot.

Compost needs to stay hot. So place your pile, or bin, in a sunny spot.

A wonderful read, and a recommendation of mine, for all you urban farmers.

By Brett L. Markham
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